Contact Us

longevitydentalsleepsolutionsAddress:16030 Bothell Everett Hwy Suite 280
Mill Creek,WA 98012
Phone: (425) 225-6334
Fax: (425) 338-4930

About Us

Looking for sleep apnea treatment in Seattle?

At Mill Creek Sleep Dentistry, our specialty is the evaluation and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Our dental care team works with multiple other specialists to ensure patients get the top quality dental care they need. Our facility is dedicated to enabling patients achieve a better quality of life through these services. We offer the top care possible for those with any form of OSA.

Sleep dentist Dr. Bill Mulliken specializes in providing oral device therapy for OSA. This is the most comfortable and least invasive form of sleep apnea treatment.  which  provide patients with an alternative form of therapy for obstructive sleep apnea that is proven to increase patient success. Further, we do believe these alternative options can successfully improve patients’ quality of life without the need for invasive treatments or other uncomfortable treatment options. Our oral therapy is comfortable and poses no adverse problems during sleep.

Why do we offer exclusively this form of sleep apnea treatment in Seattle?

Before alternative therapies, such as oral appliance therapy, existing procedures were unreliable, not to mention uncomfortable. While there are many FDA-approved dental devices for alternative therapy, at Mill Creek Sleep Dentistry, we do believe our devices are, by far, the most comfortable and the most reliable. While surgical procedures can provide some form of relief, these are known to come with multiple risks, so they aren’t always the primary recommendation. Surgical procedures also require a longer recovery period and aren’t always 100% effective for some patients.

Services offered at Mill Creek Sleep Dentistry

While we have “dentistry” within our name, our primary goal is to provide sleep apnea treatment in Seattle/Mill Creek. Here are the services we offer.

Screenings And Consultations

Our sleep apnea specialists offer patients a way to address concerns they might not have had the opportunity to talk about anywhere else. We encourage you to ask questions during your initial screening and consultation, so you get all of the information you need about sleep apnea testing and treatment. Because we deal with sleep apnea on a regular basis, we can give you a professional perspective about OSA, and what usually works to treat it. We also offer convenient home sleep studies for those who have some signs and symptoms of sleep apnea but haven’t yet been diagnosed.

Sleep Appliance Therapy & Solutions

Those looking for sleep apnea treatment in Seattle and Mill Creek want relief from their symptoms without invasive or uncomfortable treatments. The sleep appliances we offer work to keep your airway open and allow for easier breathing during sleep. They’re adjustable, for your maximum comfort. Many patients who simply can’t tolerate air blowing in their face all night (as with a CPAP) find these devices provide the relief they need in a much more comfortable way. There are several different types of oral sleep appliances, and we’ll help you to find the one that’s most likely to work for you. We then do a professional fitting, for the highest level of comfort.

Follow-up and Continuity of Care

Mill Creek Sleep Dentistry is committed to your care for the long term. We want to be sure that every patient receives treatment that works for improving their quality of life. We schedule follow-up appointments so we can be sure that your treatment is working well, and make adjustments if needed. The end goal is to guarantee effective treatment for OSA. Every patient at Mill Creek Sleep Dentistry can count on our full support, as we all work together to get you back to having energy and enjoying your life again!