Can all dentists offer oral device therapy for sleep apnea?

Sleep dentist Bothell area

The field of sleep dentistry is growing, as more and more people become aware of the dangers of untreated sleep apnea. Oral devices are a popular form of treatment because they’re comfortable, convenient, and effective.

Although they are extremely safe, oral devices are medical devices, and as such, they must be prescribed and fitted by a professional. Is this something that all dentists can do, or do you need a specialist dentist to provide your oral device treatment?

American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine

The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) recommends that oral device therapy only be prescribed by a dentist who has completed specialized training in the field of sleep dentistry. Dental school on its own does not include enough training in this field to prepare a general dentist to provide safe and high-quality oral device therapy to patients with obstructive sleep apnea.

There are several different types of oral devices. The proper fitting of each device is very important for it to function well. It’s important to have the training necessary to determine which patients are good candidates for oral device therapy, and which type of oral device is most likely to work for that person. This includes screening patients with a sleep study, to ensure that the correct diagnosis has been made and that oral device therapy is an appropriate treatment for that particular person. For a dentist to provide this treatment, extra education and training is needed in all of these areas.

How can you verify that your dentist is certified?

Wherever you’re located in the country, you can verify that your dentist meets the AADSM’s criteria in the database here. (If you look for him, you’ll find Dr. Mulliken there.)

Are you searching for a sleep dentist Bothell area?

If you’re located in the Bothell area and are looking for a specialized sleep dentist, you’ll be happy to learn that Dr. Mulliken is a sleep dentist Bothell. Serving Mill Creek, Woodinville, and the surrounding area, he offers oral device therapy, generally using a convenient home sleep study for verifying the diagnosis (rather than requiring a night spent in a sleep laboratory). To learn more or to book an appointment, please contact our office.

On May 15, 2019, posted in: Uncategorized by