Is sedation dentistry safe?

Sedation dentistry Bothell

If you feel anxiety at the dentist, you’re definitely not alone. As a dentist, Dr. Mulliken quickly realized how strong the need was for sedation dentistry, which can help those who might otherwise suffer at the dentist or even avoid getting dental care altogether. That’s why he invested his time to gain training and experience in this field, so he could provide people in Mill Creek, Bothell, and the surrounding area with a way to feel more comfortable when they see the dentist.

What is sedation dentistry like?

If you want to take advantage of sedation dentistry, then you need to let us know before your appointment. Dr. Mulliken will prescribe you a sedative medication. You take just one pill of this medication before you come for your appointment. This gives the medication time to kick in before your dental work gets started.

The medication we use is called triazolam (which is sometimes sold under the brand name Halcion). It’s in the same class of medication as Valium; these meds are called benzodiazepines. Triazolam is a short-acting medication, and generally wears off after a few hours. However, it’s important to keep in mind that some people do still feel a little sedated throughout the evening after their appointment; we don’t recommend scheduling anything important after a sedation dentistry appointment.

How do we keep you safe?

Sedation dentistry is very safe and the chance of something concerning happening is extremely low. Still, to protect you, we take a few steps to ensure that you stay safe throughout the process.

You will be monitored throughout the time that you’re under the effects of the sedation. We frequently check your blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen saturation levels. (You will never be fully unconscious or “asleep,” but rather will be awake but in an extremely relaxed state.) We also make sure that you’re never left alone for any length of time; there is always a staff member with you. If anything unexpected does happen, Dr. Mulliken has received specific training in how to respond quickly and effectively to address the problem.

We also make sure that a trusted friend or family member drives you home after your appointment. Although the sedative wears off quickly, you may still be experiencing some effects after your appointment and it will not be safe for you to drive. It’s also unsafe for you to take a taxi or rideshare (such as Uber), since you’ll be in a vulnerable state and should be with someone you know and trust.

Who can benefit from sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry may benefit people who:

  • have a strong gag reflex, which interferes with dental treatment or makes it very uncomfortable
  • need a few different procedures and would like to have them all performed during the same appointment, but the amount of time in the dental chair could get tiring
  • have had bad experiences with dental care in the past
  • have trouble getting fully numb from a shot of anesthetic
  • feel severe anxiety when going to the dentist, such that they may even avoid the dentist completely

Considering sedation dentistry Bothell area?

Dr. Mulliken is proud to be one of a few dentists who offer sedation dentistry Bothell and the surrounding area. If this is something you’re interested in, please contact us to schedule an appointment. Dr. Mulliken can help you to have a comfortable experience while getting the needed dental care that you may have been putting off due to anxiety.

On March 13, 2019, posted in: Uncategorized by