Removable vs fixed bridges

Removable vs fixed bridges

Dental bridge Lynnwood, Bothell, Mill Creek

For people who are missing one or more teeth, it’s important to replace them as soon as possible. Leaving a gap in the smile can cause the adjacent teeth to shift, “falling” towards the empty space. Studies have shown that this may even lead to problems like TMJ disorder (pain in the joint where the jaw meets the skull).

One tooth replacement option is a dental bridge. This is a tooth replacement that’s anchored to the adjacent natural teeth. The replacement may consist of one or more artificial teeth. Some bridges are fixed permanently in the mouth, while others can be removed. What are the differences? Is one type better than the other?

Removable bridges

A removable bridge is attached to the adjacent natural teeth using clasps, which may be made of metal or a more aesthetic option. This type of tooth replacement is also known as a partial denture.

The major advantage of a removable bridge is that it’s the most economical tooth replacement option, at least in the short term. However, given that removable bridges have a tendency to break more easily and need to be replaced, they may not be the most economical solution long-term.

This type of bridge must be removed regularly for cleaning. For some people, this might actually seem like an advantage, because they don’t have to learn any new hygiene techniques. For others, this will seem like an extra hassle. Removable bridges also tend to be less natural-looking and less secure than fixed bridges.

Fixed bridges

A fixed bridge is typically anchored using crowns on the adjacent natural teeth.

A major advantage of a fixed bridge is that it’s far more secure than a removable bridge. In addition, fixed bridges are generally more natural-looking. Fixed bridges are generally also more durable than removable bridges, and are likely to last much longer before they need to be replaced.

One disadvantage of a fixed bridge is that it does require some alteration of the adjacent natural teeth. A small amount of tooth enamel must be removed from these teeth in order to make room for the crowns that support the bridge. Some people may prefer not to alter natural teeth at all. In addition, a person must learn some new oral hygiene techniques for cleaning the fixed bridge. This can be tricky for some, especially those with more limited hand mobility (such as arthritis). However, some people consider this an advantage over needing to remove and clean a partial denture each night.

Dental bridge Lynnwood, Bothell, Mill Creek

Fixed and removable dental bridges aren’t the only option for replacing missing teeth. Most people prefer dental implants, which are the most secure, natural-looking, and long-lasting tooth replacement option. If you’re missing one or more teeth and want to discuss your various tooth replacement options, we invite you to make an appointment with Dr. Mulliken here in our office. He’s highly trained in the placement of dental implants, and will be happy to talk with you about all of your possible choices. Please contact our front desk to schedule your appointment.

On April 18, 2022, posted in: Uncategorized by