Study shows that sleep apnea nearly doubles the risk of sudden death

Study shows that sleep apnea nearly doubles the risk of sudden death

Oral device for sleep apnea Bothell

People who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) often experience bothersome symptoms, such as trouble concentrating, headaches, and feeling exhausted throughout the day. These symptoms can have a significant impact on quality of life, and many people would choose treatment for their sleep apnea in order to feel better during the day.

However, there’s an even better reason to seek evaluation and treatment of sleep apnea: it could save your life.

Study quantifies the risk of sudden death

A new study, recently published in the scientific journal BMJ Open Respiratory Research, looked at the relationship between sleep apnea and various causes of death. Although researchers have long known that sleep apnea can lead to chronic and dangerous health problems, the exact risk had not been quantified

Researchers found striking results. For people with sleep apnea, the risk of sudden death was almost twice as high as for those without the disorder. Those with sleep apnea were 74% more likely to experience sudden death.

How does sleep apnea increase the risk of sudden death?

Much of the increase in risk appears to be related to cardiovascular mortality. The risk of death from a cardiovascular event (usually a heart attack or stroke) was doubled in those who had sleep apnea. Although researchers are still learning exactly how sleep apnea increases the risk of these events, they do have some idea of how it happens.

A person with sleep apnea stops breathing many times each night. Although they may not fully awaken each time and often don’t remember the events, these are still highly stressful on the body. Each time there’s a pause in breathing, the oxygen level in the blood drops. This is a potentially fatal situation, and causes a stress response in the body. The resulting stress hormones create a strain on the cardiovascular system. This can raise blood pressure, and high blood pressure damages blood vessels and creates a higher risk of conditions like stroke and heart attack.

Treating sleep apnea could save your life

Although this study shows just how dangerous sleep apnea can be, the good news is that effective treatments are available that can help to reduce your risk. These include CPAP machines (a mask that blows air into your face at night to keep your airways open) or oral devices (a small device that fits into your mouth to keep your airway open).

Oral device for sleep apnea Bothell

If you find yourself having symptoms of sleep apnea, including being tired during the day, being moody and irritable, or having trouble concentrating, then it’s a good idea to get evaluated. Treating this condition can greatly improve your quality of life as well as reduce your risk of sudden death. Dr. Bill Mulliken is a specialized sleep dentist, and is qualified to diagnose sleep apnea and to offer oral device treatment. Please contact us if you’d like to schedule an appointment.

On July 24, 2021, posted in: Uncategorized by