Who can benefit from sedation dentistry?

Bothell sedation dentistry

Here at our office in Mill Creek, we offer sedation dentistry for our patients. It’s a very safe option, which can allow people to get the dental care that they need in greater comfort. There are a variety of reasons that someone may be interested in this option. Here are a few examples of people who might want to consider sedation dentistry as an option for their dental care.

Those who have a strong gag reflex

Virtually everyone has a gag reflex, but there are some people who experience this more severely. For some, the gag reflex is so severe that it makes it difficult for them to receive dental care, because their gag reflex will be repeatedly stimulated by the manipulation in the mouth. This not only makes the patient uncomfortable, but can also make it difficult or even impossible for the dentist to perform the procedure. Sedation dentistry can calm down the gag reflex and make dental care easier.

Those who need several procedures

If you need several different dental procedures, you may want to be able to have them all at once, rather than needing to make multiple appointments. This increases your convenience and requires you to schedule only one recovery period. However, spending a few hours in a row in the dental chair can be very tiring. With sedation dentistry, it’s easier to schedule multiple procedures in a row. You will be able to stay comfortable for a longer time, allowing your dentist to complete multiple procedures during one session.

Those who don’t feel comfortable with only local anesthetic

We generally use an injection of local anesthetic (a numbing agent) for all of our patients during their procedures, to ensure comfort. However, the local anesthetic blocks only sharp sensations and pain. Many people still feel deeper sensations like pressure during their dental procedure. If you feel uncomfortable with these sensations, then sedation dentistry may help you to stay comfortable throughout your procedure.

Those who get anxious at the dentist

There are many reasons that someone might experience anxiety at the dentist. Some people have had a previous bad experience at the dentist, which may even have occurred during childhood. Some feel anxiety at the dentist because they can’t see what’s happening during the procedure. Some don’t like the sounds of drills and other equipment. Some simply have a fear that they can’t explain.

For someone with dental anxiety, going to the dentist can feel overwhelming. Sadly, some people even find themselves avoiding visits to the dentist because of the fear. Sedation dentistry can help by making you feel more comfortable while you get the dental care that you need.

Bothell sedation dentistry

If any of these situations apply to you, then you may want to consider sedation dentistry. It could help you to get the dental care that you need, while feeling more comfortable and confident. If you’re in the Bothell area and would like to learn more about sedation dentistry, we invite you to visit our office here in Mill Creek. To schedule your appointment with Dr. Mulliken, please contact us and our friendly front desk staff will be happy to assist you. We look forward to meeting you.

On June 18, 2020, posted in: Uncategorized by