What you should know about the Philips CPAP recall

What you should know about the Philips CPAP recall

CPAP alternative Bothell

For the millions of Americans with sleep apnea, a CPAP is a common treatment method. This is a machine that blows air into the face at night through a mask, to help keep the airways open. However, in June 2021, Philips Respironics, a manufacturer of CPAP and other breathing machines, announced that it was recalling a large number of devices due to a dangerous design flaw. The announcement has impacted the lives of over 15 million CPAP users.

What happened with the Philips CPAP machines?

The problem with these machines is related to a certain type of foam called PE-PUR foam. This is a noise-dampening foam, which was used to reduce the noise and vibrations that the device makes while it’s operating. However, PE-PUR foam is not particularly durable. It can break down into small particles, which can enter the air pathway of the device and be inhaled by the user. Certain chemicals can also be released when the foam breaks down.

There’s a potential for either the particles or the chemicals to cause serious health effects. The FDA is still investigating thousands of reports of harm from the use of the Philips CPAP devices. You can check the list of recalled devices to see if your CPAP is among them.

What should you do if you’re using a recalled machine?

The FDA recommends that patients talk with their healthcare providers before they stop using their machine. However, for many people, the risk of using one of these recalled CPAP machines is likely to be greater than the risk of going without it.

Some patients are finding it difficult to get a new CPAP machine, because of the high demand created by the recall. For others, the risk of using a CPAP at all no longer seems worth it to them, and they’d prefer a different type of treatment for their sleep apnea. Some sleep apnea patients are turning to oral device therapy to manage their condition.

Oral devices are an extremely safe and comfortable treatment option for sleep apnea, and are effective for many people. Even before the recall, many patients preferred them to CPAP, because it can be very uncomfortable to wear a CPAP mask all night. These devices fit into the mouth and help to hold the airway open at night. You can get an oral device fitted by a certified sleep dentist, who’s trained in the use of these devices.

CPAP alternative Bothell

If you’re considering using an oral device as an alternative to CPAP, we invite you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Mulliken. As a specialized sleep dentist, he has special training in the use of this method of sleep apnea treatment. He can also offer home sleep studies to determine whether you have sleep apnea, and to find out how severe your condition is. To schedule your appointment, please contact our front desk.

On August 18, 2022, posted in: Uncategorized by